Most of us grew up on the song that begins like this: “If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.”  And all of us obeyed religiously, competing with each other for the loudest clap.  Were we happy?  Hopefully we were, but the idea of objectifying our emotions in this way certainly helped.

I am an awful driver.  If there is a one-way street I will instinctively drive in the wrong direction.  I once even exited Interstate 95 onto a lane that went the opposite way which nearly ended my life and my best friend’s life and shocked and somewhat entertained the traffic cop.  That sobering experience taught me to become a vociferous back-seat driver.  I curse loudly when someone narrowly cuts in front of our car and I have taught my husband to do the same.  But what of the decent drivers, the ones who actually give you space to pull in front on a merge lane?  Don’t they deserve some applause?  (If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.)

I have frequently envisioned cars equipped with a blinking smiley face on the back of the bumper that winks back at the car behind them; or a thumbs up, or something that is shows an expression and recognition of another’s humanity. (Of course, all of this will be unnecessary once driverless cars become the norm.)  Perhaps not quite as resounding as the clapping hands of a child, but certainly such a demonstration would be a way to express our joy to others, which could not only be a solution to road rage but also put a smile on people stuck in a morning commute, and perhaps even hear the occasional clap. J

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